


Is Gen Z In Revival or Retreat?

Is Gen Z In Revival or Retreat?

Trends suggest Gen Z is simultaneously experiencing revival and retreat. How can churches be the front line for reaching the next generation?
NAMB Evangelism Kits for GenSend Leaders

NAMB Evangelism Kits for GenSend Leaders

Two online courses – one for Youth Leaders, one for Collegiate Leaders! Ready to see students’ lives change as they live on mission for the gospel? We can help you create and sustain a culture of evangelism in your ministry.

Evangelism, Character and Ecclesiology

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Collegiate Leader Road Map

Collegiate Leader Road Map

Create action plans as you move through the NAMB Evangelism Kit online course for collegiate leaders.
Youth Leader Road Map

Youth Leader Road Map

Create action plans as you move through the NAMB Evangelism Kit online course for youth leaders.


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Comparative Belief Chart

Comparative Belief Chart

Compares doctrinal believes of cults, sects, and world religions to those of historic Christianity


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Strong and Weak by Andy Crouch

Strong and Weak by Andy Crouch

In this book, Andy Crouch explores the dualistic nature of true flourishing in leadership and how to know when to use your authority to benefit others and when to embrace suffering as part of the journey.

Culture and Context

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New School Year, Same Mission

New School Year, Same Mission

It didn’t matter if I was a teenager or college student; leading up to the first day of school, I always had a mixture of excitement and nervousness. It meant planning your outfit, daydreaming about the possibility of a new love interest, and setting some educational and athletic goals. In my mind, new sneakers, new jeans, new shirt, and a new backpack all meant new opportunities.
Six common traits of Gen Z

Six common traits of Gen Z

Gen Z students share their hearts and six main points they wish older generations understood about their peers and experiences.
Prayers for Gen Z

Prayers for Gen Z

A prayer guide with four specific words and accompanying Bible verses to pray over Gen Z.
Engaging the next generation on mental health

Engaging the next generation on mental health

A guide to engaging in open, honest dialogue with youth in the church about their anxieties and fears in life, including eight major points to focus on in your conversations with them.


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Calling out the Called

Calling out the Called

In this book, Scott Pace and Shane Pruitt discuss ministry leaders’ calling to teach, serve and lead disciples while also facing the challenges of being a spiritual mentor.

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