
Influence a Broken World with the Life-Giving Gospel

GenSend is not about the church of tomorrow or next week—it is about developing and deploying the generation that is living on mission today!

GenSend is here to help with resources, training and coaching to support and encourage students from middle school through post-grad life in their endeavors to transform lives and leave a lasting impact.

Whether it is during a fall, winter, spring or summer break, GenSend is designed to teach students how to engage a fallen world with the transformative hope of the good news.

The immersive, hands-on trainings provided through these experiences give students the ministry mindset needed to become lifelong missionaries. So, no matter where they end up in life, they are equipped to confidently make disciples and serve communities in need!

Leader Tools & Resources

We have exciting, free, new resources to help you and your team guide students from freshman year all the way through post-grad life!


Engaging the next generation on mental health

Engaging the next generation on mental health

A guide to engaging in open, honest dialogue with youth in the church about their anxieties and fears in life, including eight major points to focus on in your conversations with them.

Featured Students

David's Story
Bri's Story
Washington, DC
Isaac's Story
New Orleans

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