GenSend Conversations Series
Student pastors and leaders, this is for you!
Use the GenSend Conversations video teaching series in your weekly gatherings. These real and relevant videos are designed specifically to help students learn how to apply Scripture and live their lives on mission in pursuit of the gospel.
You will hear from respected pastors and evangelism leaders like Shane Pruitt, Paul Worcester, and more.
Download a .zip file containing video files and teaching notes for each series at the links below. A brief registration form is required for each series download.

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Series 1: Christ Is Greater Than Chaos
God has a mission for you—yes, you!
So often, we listen to the messages of the world telling us that we are unwanted, purposeless and burdensome. We forget that an Almighty God has already claimed us as His own! In this series, Shane Pruitt discusses how to navigate misguided feelings of unworthiness and find your purpose in life.

Series 2: Created for This
We were created to praise Our Creator.
We all have specific gifts and talents that were given to us, but the power of our talents resides in how we use them. Our lives are not our own once we have committed them to Christ, so in this series, Shane Pruitt shares how to make every act an act of worship and how we can use our gifts to joyfully build up the Kingdom.

Series 3: Jesus Never Said That
Frequently, we seek to know Jesus by examining the words that He said. But what can we learn about Jesus by examining the things He didn’t say?
So much gets attributed to Jesus that never actually came out of His mouth, and this misinformation can be extremely damaging to our gospel witness. In Shane Pruitt’s series, he will take on the cultural clichés that have crept into the beliefs of many Christians, especially young adults.

Series 4: Gen Z & Revival
As Gen Z continues to grow into the largest generation yet, there’s an urgency for revival and radical discipleship. We need followers of Christ to live their lives completely surrendered to the leadership of the Holy Spirit.
Shane Pruitt and Paul Worcester team up for this series about revival and how Gen Z is awakening to His character and His calling. Learn what it means to obey, relate and worship the One true God.

Series 5: Character of God
If knowing God shapes the way we pray, relate to Him and deal with life, then what is God really like?
Shane Pruitt, Catherine Renfro and Evan Vela team up for this series about the character of God. Learn about His ways and how we should remain firm on the foundation of God’s character and thus His trustworthiness to help us endure all the ups and downs of life.

Series 6: Who's Your One Student Series
Is being a Christian just about going to heaven? What role does evangelism play in our spiritual development?
Through God’s power and the work of His Spirit, we can make a significant impact in God’s kingdom. In this series, Shane Pruitt and Catherine Renfro share practical, strategic and challenging steps to help us prioritize personal ownership of the Great Commission and pursue people with the hope of the gospel.